Christmas Canopy of Content

Is it time to get clarity on your subjects and themes for your Christmas Social Media.  Are you planning your Christmas Socials?

Join me to form a clear plan for your Christmas socials and clarity to be able to relax during the Christmas period.

I share with you my hand content creation method that I have been using for my own social media.  Come along for an interactive , informative and fun content creation hour.

Get the clarity you deserve.

Do you struggle with creating consistent social media content?

Do you keep track of your social media postings and how well they are tracking?

Maybe coming along to this webinar will help you…

The masterclass will give you clarity and guidance to create themes and subjects for you socials as well as being informative, fun and interactive.

No hiding behind a screen as I am aiming for you to create at least 3 themes and 15 subjects for all of your social media platforms.

Create a canopy of leaves with  your hands and your footprint trunk.

All this and more for £39.99


Oct 27 2022


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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